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EDTA Chelation Treatment

Written By The New You Medical and Infusion Clinic on September 15, 2022

IV infusion

EDTA Chelation Treatments are a type of IV therapy used as a treatment method and cure for mercury, arsenic, and lead poisoning. It is also sometimes used as a treatment for heart disease and stroke. EDTA Chelation Treatments are not FDA-approved for any condition other than heavy metal poisoning, and should only be administered by a medical professional. If you’ve been Googling, “IV therapy near me in Hurst, TX,” read on for the basics of EDTA Chelation Treatment. 

What is EDTA Chelation Treatment? 

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) seeks out and sticks to metals and minerals in the bloodstream and removes them from the body naturally via urination. It can be effective at treating heart disease, high cholesterol, and inflammatory conditions like arthritis, gout, and swelling. Some medical professionals also use it as part of a combined therapeutic process to treat Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Who Benefits from Chelation Treatment? 

Anyone who is concerned about the levels of toxins in their system can benefit from EDTA Chelation Treatments. You should not request EDTA Chelation Treatments if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, breast-feeding, or if you have been diagnosed with certain medical conditions. Our team of medical specialists can evaluate you to determine if you’d benefit from EDTA Chelation Treatments or another form of IV therapy.

Is Chelation Treatment Safe? 

Chelation Treatments are safe when administered by a medical professional using medical-grade EDTA. While the treatment method is not FDA-approved for any conditions other than heavy metal poisonings, it is safe. However, you should be very honest with your doctor or chiropractor about your health history and medication or drug use. The most common side effects that patients experience is a burning in the area where the IV is inserted, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

What to Expect from EDTA Chelation Treatments

EDTA Chelation Treatments typically take about 30 minutes. Before beginning any type of IV therapy, we will take a full health history, perform a physical evaluation, and discuss your medications and existing health conditions. We will clean the area at which the IV will be inserted using alcohol wipes, and will use a small, sterile IV needle to administer the solution. Most patients can return to their normal daily activities immediately after treatment, but notify us immediately if you experience any side effects, especially if they get worse.

Visit Us at The New You Medical & Infusion Treatment for IV Therapy in Hurst, TX 

If you’re interested in learning more EDTA Chelation Treatments or IV therapy in Hurst, TX, come see us at The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic. We offer IV therapy and infusions, including K3, Iron, Vitamin C, and Amino Acids.

Call us today to learn more, or schedule an appointment with us online.

Posted In: IV Nutrition IV Therapy Chelation Therapy EDTA Chelation Treatment