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What Should You Expect From an Iron IV Infusion?

Written By The New You Medical and Infusion Clinic on November 7, 2023

doctor talking to female patient

Iron deficiency can leave you feeling fatigued, weak, and unable to enjoy life to the fullest. If you've been struggling with low iron levels, an iron IV infusion at The New You Medical and Infusion Clinic in Hurst, TX, may be the answer. Our team offers valuable information about what to expect from your iron IV infusions.

What to Expect From an Iron IV Infusion

Iron IV infusions are medical procedures that involve administering iron directly into your bloodstream. This method is typically recommended when oral iron supplements prove ineffective or are not well-tolerated. At The New You Medical and Infusion Clinic, you can expect a comfortable, sterile environment and a team of skilled healthcare professionals who specialize in these procedures.

The Benefits of an Iron IV Infusion

Iron IV infusions can significantly improve your quality of life. They are effective in treating iron-deficiency anemia and can provide fast relief from symptoms like fatigue, pale skin, and shortness of breath. This treatment method also ensures that your body receives the necessary iron for optimal function, helping you regain your energy and vitality.

How to Prepare for an Iron IV Infusion

Before your iron IV infusion, your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the appropriate dose and ensure you are a suitable candidate. It's important to inform them of any allergies or medical conditions you may have. Fasting before the procedure is usually not required, but it's essential to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

What Happens During an Iron IV Infusion

During the infusion, you'll be comfortably seated, and a small intravenous (IV) line will be inserted into a vein in your arm. The iron solution is administered slowly through the IV line. You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth, but this is temporary.

How Long Does an Iron IV Infusion Take?

The duration of an iron IV infusion varies depending on the specific iron product used and your healthcare provider's recommendations. Some infusions may take as little as 30 minutes, while others may require an hour or longer.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Iron IV infusions at The New You Medical and Infusion Clinic offer a swift and effective solution to iron deficiency anemia. With skilled professionals and a focus on your well-being, you can trust that you are in good hands. Contact The New You Medical and Infusion Clinic today to schedule your iron IV in Hurst, TX, by calling (817) 281-9040 or place an appointment request online.

Posted In: IV Nutrition IV Therapy